
Blažek (Václav)

  • s. xx–xxi
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Blažek, Václav, “The north-eastern border of the Celtic world”, in: Aled Llion Jones, and Maxim Fomin (eds), Y geissaw chwedleu: proceedings of the 7th International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica, 8, Bangor: University of Wales, Bangor, 2018. 7–22.
Blažek, Václav, “Celtic "deer"”, Études Celtiques 41 (2015): 121–127.  
[FR] Le nom celtique du «cerf »La monnaie lépontique avec figuration de cerf et légende segedu livre peut-être l’étymon du nom celtique du cerf, vieil-irlandais ségséd, et gallois hydd. Au même groupe se rattache le nom gaulois d’un chien de chasse, segus[t] ios.

[EN] The Lepontic coin with an image of deer and inscribed with segedu may give us the etymon of the Celtic noun for deer, Old-Irish ség, séd, and Welsh hydd. To the same group of words belongs the Gaulish word for hunting dog, segus[t]ios.
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 41, 2015: <link>
Fomin, Maxim, Václav Blažek, and Piotr Stalmaszczyk (eds), Transforming traditions: studies in archaeology, comparative linguistics and narrative: proceedings of the Fifth International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica, held at Příbram, 26–29 July 2010, Studia Celto-Slavica, 6, Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2012. 214 pp.
Eprints.ulster.ac.uk: <link>
Blažek, Václav, “Indo-European ‘ten’”, in: Harald Sverdrup, Vitalij V. Shevoroshkin, and A. Dolgopol'skiĭ (eds), Bygone voices reconstructed: on language origins and their relationships in honor of Aharon Dolgopolsky, Copenhagen: Underskoven, 2009. 113–123.
Blažek, Václav, “Late Brythonic *uohiđ° ‘daughter-in-law’”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 55 (2006): 25–28.  
In the Brythonic languages a specific designation for ‘daughter-in-law’ is used: Welsh gwaudd, pl. gweuddau, gweuddon, Middle Welsh pl. (14th cent.) gwehydon, (15th cent.) gwehyddon (GPC 1602–03), Old Cornish guhit gl. ‘nurus’, Old Breton g … = ?*guhid gl. ‘nuro’ (Orléans glosses; see Fleuriot 1964, 172 after Stokes), Middle Breton (Catholicon) gouhezy gl ‘nurus’, Breton. gouhé, pl. gouhéïon, Vanetais gouéhé ‘bru, belle-fille, femme de fils’ (GIB 1007), [gwii], pl. gwii-jõ] (Hamp 1972–74, 293).
Blažek, Václav, “Indo-European ‘ten’”, in: Fabrice Cavoto (ed.), The linguist’s linguist: a collection of papers in honour of Alexis Manaster Ramer, 2 vols, Munich: Lincom Europa, 2002. 59–72.
Blažek, Václav, “Balor – “the blind-eyed”?”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 52 (2001): 129–133.
Blažek, Václav, “Celtic-Anatolian isoglosses”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 52 (2001): 125–128.


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